§ 96-9. Tier 1 design standards for docking and mooring facilities.  

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  • A. 
    Setback requirements. Any boat slip, boathouse, boat hoist structure, boat station, boat accessory structure, dock or other allowed structure shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the facility area line and edge of any outlet to Canandaigua Lake for Table 1, Tier 1 Allocation Categories B through F. The setback is a minimum of five feet from the facility area lines and edge of any outlet to Canandaigua Lake for Table 1, Tier 1 Allocation Category A.
    At no time shall a docked boat extend outside the limits of any facility area line of the adjoining parcel.
    Placement of mooring buoys. Mooring buoys shall be placed within the facility area in such a manner that each moored vessel will avoid contact with any other moored boat or structure.
    At no time may a moored boat or part thereof extend outside the limits of any facility area line of the adjoining parcel.
    No uniform docks and mooring permit may be issued for mooring buoys that extend beyond 100 feet as measured from the mean high water mark without receipt of a permit from the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation as authorized under Article 3, Navigable Waters of the State of New York, § 35-a, or successor laws or amendments.
    Dimensional requirements. Dock construction shall not exceed the following maximum dimensional criteria:
    Each permitted dock shall not exceed a total of 720 square feet, including walkways. For the purposes of this section, width is measured parallel to the mean high water mark; length is measured perpendicular to the mean high water mark. (See .)
    The main walkway of the dock is the section of the dock that extends from the mean high water mark toward the center of the lake. The main walkway shall not exceed a maximum width of eight feet.
    The length of the portion of the main walkway that extends from the mean high water mark towards the center of the lake shall constitute no less than 50% of the total length of the dock and associated structures and equipment.
    No part of the dock or associated structures and equipment shall extend beyond a line which is 60 feet from the mean high water mark; this line or curve, depending on the configuration of the shoreline, is to be parallel to the mean high water mark.
    If the water depth is less than three feet as measured from the mean low water level at the 60 horizontal feet line referenced in Subsection C(1)(c), the maximum length of the dock may be extended to the underwater elevation level of 683.60 feet (established by 686.60 feet mean low water level minus three feet). Under no circumstances may the dimensional requirement of 720 square feet be exceeded.
    The use of fingers or T- or L-shaped appendages are permitted in any configuration from the main walkway of the dock to form boat slip spaces.
    Any appendage shall not exceed a total area of 256 square feet.
    In categories where two or more docks are permitted, the docks shall be separated by at least 10 feet.
    Editor's Note: is included at the end of this chapter.
    A navigational safety light shall be installed at the end of a dock that is 100 feet or greater in length from the mean high water mark.
    Steep slopes. Steep slope parcels are allowed:
    One boat accessory structure as long as there is no existing boathouse or an existing building on the adjoining parcel within 60 horizontal feet of the mean high water mark;
    An additional 200 square feet of dock space.
    The square footage of any boat accessory structure, including any that may be on the land side of the mean high water mark, is to be included in the calculation of the additional 200 square feet of dock space. For example:
    Allowed: one-hundred-twenty-square-foot boat accessory structure plus 80 square feet of dock equals 200 square feet of additional dock space.
    Not allowed: one-hundred-twenty-square-foot boat accessory structure plus 200 square feet of dock space equals 320 square feet of additional dock space.
    For a parcel where more than one dock is allowed, the additional 200 square feet of dock space may be distributed amongst the allowed docks.