§ 220-20. MR Multiple-Residence District.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Purpose. The purpose of the MR Multiple-Residence District is to permit, where appropriate, the construction and development of multiple-family residences in the Town. At the same time, the Town does not desire the large-scale development of these units to the extent that large areas of the Town would be devoted to such use and single-family residences would be incompatible. Accordingly, additional areas may be zoned as a MR District upon application for a specific proposal in accordance with the normal rezoning procedures. In reaching its decision, the Town Board shall consider the general criteria set forth in this chapter, the adopted Comprehensive Plan for the Town, and this statement of purpose. Areas proposed to be zoned MR shall be served by sanitary sewers and public water.
    Permitted principal uses. The following uses are permitted in the MR District:
    Townhouses, in accordance with standards set forth in Subsection D(1).
    Apartment buildings in accordance with standards set forth in Subsection D(2).
    Two-family dwelling unit structures.
    Permitted accessory uses.
    Normal accessory uses designed as an integral part of the multifamily development and scaled for the exclusive use of the development.
    Private recreational facilities and areas.
    Swimming pool(s).
    Minor home occupations, as defined in Chapter 1, Article II.
    Signs in compliance with § 220-84 of this chapter.
    Dimensional requirements and design standards. The dimensional requirements for this district are specified in Schedule I of this chapter. In addition to the dimensional requirements set forth in Schedule I, the following site design standards shall be applicable to all townhouse dwelling unit and multiple-family dwelling unit developments:
    Townhouse development site design standards.
    The minimum area lot size for a townhouse development shall not be less than three acres.
    Density. Overall site density shall not exceed eight dwelling units per gross acre, and not more than eight dwelling units shall be allowed on any one acre of land.
    Individual dwelling unit lot criteria.
    The minimum lot area for each townhouse dwelling unit shall be 3,500 square feet.
    The minimum front setback shall be 25 feet.
    The minimum lot width at the front building line shall be 25 feet for a two-story townhouse unit.
    The minimum lot width at the front building line shall be 35 feet for a single-story townhouse unit.
    The minimum rear setback shall be 25 feet.
    The maximum lot coverage shall be 65%.
    The minimum lot depth shall be 140 feet.
    There shall be no accessory structures allowed.
    There shall be no common off-street parking areas allowed.
    Each townhouse dwelling unit shall have a minimum of one one-car garage.
    Where garages are accessed from the rear portion of the structure, the front building line shall continue to be the portion facing the street. In these instances, the minimum front setback shall be 10 feet.
    There shall be adequately sized common storage areas provided as part of each townhouse development site for the storage of boats, trailers, recreational vehicles and other personal vehicles. Each storage area shall be blacktopped, buffered by landscaping and maintained. No unregistered vehicle shall be allowed to remain in a common storage area. The minimum size for each common storage area shall be determined by the Planning Board as part of site plan approval. In the event a common storage area is not found to be adequately sized, either the landowner or the homeowners' association shall be responsible for providing additional area to meet the need. This storage area shall not be used for off-street parking of vehicles.
    There shall be an adequately sized bulk storage area provided for each townhouse unit. The minimum size for such bulk storage area shall be determined by the Planning Board as part of site plan approval. In the event a bulk storage area is not found to be adequately sized, the landowner or homeowners association shall be responsible for providing additional area to meet need.
    Minimum habitable floor area per dwelling unit shall be:
    Townhouse unit, three bedrooms: 1,000 square feet.
    Townhouse unit, two bedrooms: 850 square feet.
    No exterior wall shall exceed 50 feet in length unless there is a lateral offset of at least four feet in its alignment not less frequently than along each 50 feet of length of such exterior wall.
    Each townhouse building shall contain not more than eight dwelling units.
    Parking requirements. Requirements for off-street parking as provided in Article VIII of this chapter shall be met, except that the location of off-street parking lots may be modified to conform with the approved site plan, provided that such lots shall not be located within the front yard or the required side yard setback. Paved pedestrian walkways, with appropriate lighting, shall be provided from off-street parking areas to all dwelling units each parking area is intended to serve. In addition to the standards required in Article VIII, the following standards shall be met:
    A minimum of two paved parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit, one of which shall be completely enclosed and covered.
    Appropriate screening shall be provided as to prevent glare from headlights.
    Each townhouse development shall have adequate pedestrian-separated facilities (sidewalks) connecting all townhouse dwelling units in the development.
    Each townhouse dwelling unit lot shall have a minimum of two trees to be planted prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, or due to seasonal conditions, said trees are to be planted within six months of the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy.
    Each on-site stormwater facility shall be adequately landscaped.
    Each townhouse development shall either have mailboxes attached to the front of each structure, or a common mailbox area with adequate pull-off for both postal delivery vehicles and private vehicles. There shall otherwise be no mailboxes allowed along the side of a street.
    Each townhouse development shall contain streetlighting spaced at each intersection, at any cul-de-sac or dead-end street and any common parking area. Streetlighting shall be dark sky compliant as further regulated in § 220-77 of the Town Code.
    Each townhouse development street name shall be in compliance with the Ontario County 911 Street Naming Regulations.
    Where a townhouse development does not have public streets serving the townhouse dwelling units, then provisions shall be made with the local school district for the use of an acceptable off-street area to be used for the loading and unloading of school children. Each such area shall have a well-designed all-weather structure for use by students awaiting pickup or dropoff. Each such area shall be adequately illuminated in accordance with Town lighting standards.
    Apartments and condominium site design standards.
    The minimum lot size for apartment building developments shall not be less than three acres.
    Density. Density shall not exceed eight dwelling units per gross acre.
    Floor areas. Minimum floor areas, exclusive of common areas such as halls, foyers and basement utility areas, shall be as follows:
    Apartment unit, efficiency: 450 square feet.
    Apartment unit, one-bedroom: 550 square feet.
    Apartment unit, two-bedroom: 700 square feet.
    Apartment unit, three-bedroom: 800 square feet.
    Apartment unit, four-bedroom: 900 square feet.
    Open space. There shall be at least 400 square feet of common open space exclusive of the required setback areas, buffer strips and parking areas which shall be designated for recreation, active and/or passive, for each apartment building.
    Unit distribution.
    No more than 30% of the total units within an apartment building development shall be efficiency units.
    No more than 40% of the total units within an apartment building development shall be three or more bedroom units.
    Apartment building development design standards. Each apartment building development site shall be regulated as follows:
    Minimum distance between buildings shall be 50 feet.
    Direct line of sight visibility, from front to rear, from one building to another shall not be less than 100 feet.
    Every building shall have a minimum setback of 25 feet from all interior roads, driveways and parking areas.
    A strip of land around each apartment building, at least six feet in width, shall be kept completely open except for foundation plantings of less than six feet in height.
    Courtyards bounded on three sides by the wings of a single building, or by the walls of separate buildings, shall have a minimum court width of two feet for each one foot in height of the tallest adjacent building.
    No exterior wall shall exceed 100 feet in length unless there is a lateral offset of at least eight feet in its alignment not less frequently than along each 100 feet of length of such exterior wall.
    All stairways to the second floor or higher shall be located inside the building.
    Access to public roads.
    All apartment building developments shall have direct access to a public road.
    Where there are 12 or more dwelling units in an apartment building development, access from the common parking area(s) to the public road must be provided by either a private driveway or a road dedicated to the Town by the developer.
    Where there are 50 or more dwelling units in an apartment building development, the Town Planning Board may require an additional access, to that required above, to a public road as a condition of site plan approval.
    In no event shall the Town Planning Board allow more than 150 units to be served by one access to a public road.
    Each dwelling unit shall contain complete kitchen facilities, toilet, bathing and sleeping facilities.
    There shall be a minimum common storage area in each building for bicycles and similar types of equipment of 40 square feet in area, a minimum of five feet in height and not less than four feet in width per each dwelling unit.
    Within each building there shall be sufficient laundry, drying and other utility areas.
    Garbage storage areas shall be provided for each building. Such facilities shall be located with a view both to convenience and to minimizing the detrimental effect on the aesthetic character of the building(s) and shall be enclosed and shielded from view by fencing, walls or shrubbery of at least six feet in height around the perimeter. Fencing and walls shall be not more than 50% open on the vertical surface.
    There shall be an adequately sized bulk storage area provided for each apartment building. The minimum size for such bulk storage area shall be determined by the Planning Board as part of site plan approval. In the event a bulk storage area is not found to be adequately sized, the landowner shall be responsible for providing additional area to meet need.
    All public utilities, electric, gas, cable television and telephone lines shall be installed underground.
    An adequate supply of public water shall be provided to all dwelling units.
    All dwelling units shall be connected to public sewers.
    Special permitted uses. The following uses may be permitted consistent with the provisions of Article VI, provided that a special use permit is issued by the Town Planning Board:
    Essential services, public utilities substations and uses, excluding power plants or repair yards and warehouses or uses similar in nature.
    Public uses.
Amended 3-16-2015 by L.L. No. 3-2015