§ DL-1. Disposition of legislation.
Latest version.
EnactmentAdoption DateSubjectDispositionL.L. No. 1-20102-1-2010Zoning Map amendmentNCML.L. No. 2-20106-7-2010Zoning amendmentSuperseded by L.L. No. 11-2011L.L. No. 3-20106-28-2010Adoption of CodeL.L. No. 4-20107-19-2010Zoning Map amendmentNCML.L. No. 5-201010-25-2010General provisions: definitions and word usage amendment; zoning amendmentL.L. No. 6-201012-6-2010Dog licensesL.L. No. 1-20111-24-2011Zoning amendmentSuperseded by L.L. No. 11-2011L.L. No. 2-20113-7-2011Zoning amendmentSuperseded by L.L. No. 11-2011L.L. No. 3-20113-7-2011Environmental Conservation Board amendmentCh. 18L.L. No. 4-20114-18-2011Zoning amendmentSuperseded by L.L. No. 11-2011L.L. No. 5-2011Zoning Map amendmentNCML.L. No. 6-20116-27-2011Administrative fees amendmentCh. 111L.L. No. 7-20119-19-2011Zoning Map amendmentNCML.L. No. 8-201111-14-2011Unsafe buildings amendmentCh. 88L.L. No. 9-20117-18-2011Canandaigua Lake uniform docking and mooringCh. 96L.L. No. 10-201112-5-2011MoratoriumNCML.L. No. 11-201112-5-2011General provisions: definitions and word usage amendment; manufactured home parks amendment; parks and recreation amendment; planned unit developments repealer; soil erosion and sedimentation control amendment; subdivision of land; swimming pools repealer; abandoned, unlicensed or junked vehicles amendment; zoningL.L. No. 1-20122-13-2012Subdivision of land amendment; zoning amendmentChs. 174; 220Res.3-5-2012Road specifications repealerCh. A230, reference onlyL.L. No. 2-20129-10-2012Zoning Board of Appeals: alternate membersL.L. No. 3-201210-1-2012Zoning Map amendmentNCML.L. No. 4-201210-18-2012Zoning Map amendment (L.L. No. 7-2011)NCML.L. No. 1-20131-28-2013Zoning amendmentCh. 220L.L. No. 2-20134-8-2013General provisions: definitions and word usage amendment; uniform construction codes amendment; zoning amendmentL.L. No. 3-20134-8-2013Administrative fees amendmentCh. 111L.L. No. 4-20134-8-2013Zoning Map amendmentNCML.L. No. 5-20134-29-2013Centerpointe PUD zoning amendmentNCML.L. No. 6-20135-20-2013Extension of moratoriumNCML.L. No. 7-20135-20-2013Zoning amendmentCh. 220L.L. No. 8-20138-12-2013Zoning amendmentCh. 220L.L. No. 9-20138-12-2013General provisions: definitions and word usage amendment; sanitary sewersL.L. No. 10-20139-9-2013ChickensL.L. No. 1-20142-10-2014General provisions: definitions and word usage amendment; oil and gas extraction; zoning amendmentL.L. No. 2-20144-28-2014Deadline for completion of Villas of Canandaigua improvementsNCML.L. No. 3-20144-28-2014Residency requirements: Code Enforcement OfficerL.L. No. 4-20146-23-2014Zoning Map amendmentNCML.L. No. 5-20146-23-2014Zoning amendmentCh. 220L.L. No. 6-20147-14-2014RecordsCh. 56L.L. No. 7-20149-8-20142014 tax levy limit overrideRepealed by L.L. No. 9-2014L.L. No. 8-20149-22-2014Zoning amendmentCh. 220L.L. No. 9-201412-8-2014Repeal of L.L. No. 7-2014NCML.L. No. 1-20153-16-2015Zoning amendmentCh. 220L.L. No. 2-20153-16-2015Zoning amendmentCh. 220L.L. No. 3-20153-16-2015General provisions: definitions and word usage amendment; animals: hunting on Town property; flood damage prevention amendment; parks and recreation amendment; subdivision of land amendment; zoning amendmentL.L. No. 4-20157-20-20152016 tax levy limit overrideNCML.L. No. 5-20159-21-2015Zoning Map amendmentNCML.L. No. 6-201512-21-2015Zoning amendmentCh. 220L.L. No. 1-20161-11-2016Environmental Conservation Board amendmentCh. 18L.L. No. 2-20163-21-2016Happiness House planned unit development amendmentNCML.L. No. 3-20163-21-2016Water amendmentCh. 206L.L. No. 4-20166-20-2016Soil erosion and sedimentation control amendment; zoning amendmentL.L. No. 5-20166-20-2016Stormwater managementCh. 170L.L. No. 6-20166-20-2016Illicit discharge detection and eliminationCh. 172L.L. No. 7-20166-20-2016Zoning amendmentCh. 220L.L. No. 8-201610-17-2016Parks and recreation amendmentCh. 152L.L. No. 9-201610-17-2016General provisions: definitions and word usage amendment; zoning amendmentL.L. No. 10-201612-19-2016Zoning amendment; definitions and word usage amendmentL.L. No. 1-20172-27-2017Town ManagerCh. 69L.L. No. 2-20172-27-2017General provisions: definitions and word usage amendment; residency requirements: Town ManagerL.L. No. 3-20173-20-2017Contracts: best value policyL.L. No. 4-20173-20-2017Agricultural Advisory CommitteeCh. 4L.L. No. 5-20173-20-2017Uniform construction codes amendmentCh. 92L.L. No. 6-20173-20-2017General provisions: definitions and word usage amendment; zoning amendmentL.L. No. 7-20174-17-2017General provisions: definitions and word usage amendment; peddling and solicitingL.L. No. 8-20175-15-2017Zoning Map amendmentNCML.L. No. 9-20176-19-2017On-site wastewater treatment systemsCh. 202L.L. No. 10-20176-19-2017Zoning Map amendmentNCML.L. No. 11-20176-19-2017Zoning amendmentCh. 220L.L. No. 12-20176-19-2017General provisions: definitions and word usage amendment; zoning amendmentL.L. No. 13-20177-17-20172017 tax levy limit overrideNCML.L. No. 14-20177-17-2017Zoning Map amendmentNCML.L. No. 15-20177-17-2017Zoning Map amendmentNCML.L. No. 16-20177-17-2017General provisions: definitions and word usage amendment; zoning amendmentL.L. No. 17-20179-18-2017Zoning amendmentCh. 220L.L. No. 18-20179-18-2017Residency requirements: Deputy Town ClerkL.L. No. 19-20179-18-2017Subdivision of land amendmentCh. 174L.L. No. 1-20185-21-2018Zoning AmendmentCh. 220L.L. No. 2-20186-18-2018Zoning Map AmendmentNCML.L. No. 3-20187-16-2018Tax Levy Limit OverrideNCML.L. No. 4-20187-16-2018Construction Codes, Uniform AmendmentCh. 92L.L. No. 5-20188-20-2018General Provisions: Definitions and Word Usage Amendment; Dumping and Transfer Facility AmendmentL.L. No. 6-20189-17-2018Site Design and Development Criteria RepealerCh. SDDL.L. No. 7-201810-15-2018Vehicles, Abandoned, Unlicensed or Junked AmendmentCh. 190L.L. No. 8-201811-19-2018Zoning AmendmentCh. 220L.L. No. 1-20192-11-2019Zoning Amendment; General Provisions AmendmentL.L. No. 2-20192-11-2019Parks and Recreation Amendment; Peddling and Soliciting AmendmentL.L. No. 3-20197-15-2019General Provisions: Definitions and Word Usage Amendment; Zoning AmendmentL.L. No. 4-20197-15-2019Wastewater Treatment Systems, On-Site AmendmentCh. 202L.L. No. 5-20197-15-20192020 Tax Levy Limit OverrideNCM